Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lessons for the new year: cliche, I know.

As I look back on 2013, I am overcome with emotions, memories, smiles, and tears. I realize what all I have been through and how much I have left to go. I'm excited for the future and to see what God has in store for me. So as I think back on this year, many lessons come to mind. Things I have learned this year that I want to always remember.

1.) It's okay to not be okay.
It's alright to admit you need help, to not be strong enough, to need to cry. This year had a few low moments. Yes, it made me sad, tore me down, and made me feel weak. But when I am weak, God is strong. As long as I trust in Him, everything will be okay. Even the darkest nights end in sunrise.

2.) Just make a decision.
I am the most indecisive person I know. If somebody asks where I want to eat lunch, it usually results in a ten minute debate with myself. But there is no reason to agonize over day to day decisions that have little affect on my life. So just pick. Make a decision. Say what you want. And for those bigger decision: think, pray, and then decide. Because sooner or later you will learn if it was the right decision or not.

3.) Accept that people come and go.
Along with my lack of decisiveness, I have never been good with change. I've always been afraid of what will happen and what if I don't like the future as much as I like the now. But it only gets better. People come in and out of life to teach us lessons, help us through difficult times, be a friend, and help us progress to the next point in life. But they can't stay forever and that's okay. It's crucial to understand that you have few forever friends and many friends who are here for a reason or season.

4.) Love people. 
Even though everyone won't always be in your life, love and embrace them as if they are the most important person in your life. Everybody needs kindness and love and you are the person who could show them that. Be Jesus to everyone-you may be the only Bible someone ever reads. 

5.) Know what you believe.
Stand firm in your faith. Don't give in. Don't back down. Be open to new ideas, but do not let any change who you are or what you stand for.  The world will present you with a million different lies and you must be intelligent enough to separate them from the truth. Know who you are and embrace that person. And when you aren't sure who you are, let God help you find the way.

6.) God says no. 
God's thoughts are higher than ours and His ways are better than ours. His plan is far more glorious than anything we could ever dream for ourselves. So trust in HIM. Know that His 'no' is just a redirection to where you need to be. Don't get discouraged if you hear no more often than yes. Know that God doesn't take away without providing that something that you do need.

7.) Love your life. 
And take nothing for granted. You have ONE life. ONE. So love what you do! If you love to travel, do it. If you love school, then study and learn. If you're a mom, be the best one you can be. Whatever you do, whatever you are, do your best and be your best. Life is too short to not love what you're doing or who you are. So if you don't love it, change it.

8.) Live your life.
I do two things: I live and I try to stay alive. Believe me, there is a huge difference. Every medication, brace, taping, physical therapy session, doctors visit, and medical procedure are ways I spend my time trying to stay alive. But every friendship, laugh, smile, tear, fun night, and piece of chocolate are ways I spend my time living. I understand the difference. I know I need both. But sometimes I have to choose living over staying alive. I have to choose the experiences and the memories over the extra year of life. I have to remember that a life spent trying to stay alive is not necessarily a life worth living.

9.) Stand up.
There will be set backs. You will get sick. You will make a bad grade. Your friend will get mad at you. You will be late for work. Someone will break your heart. You will have surgery. You will cry in pain. You will ask God why. Get up and move on. It's not to say you won't fall down again; you will fall many times. But if you never get up, if you never move, you will never know the beauty of standing tall.

10.) Trust God. 
He knows. He cares. He has a plan. He sees the complete picture while you agonize and obsess over one piece of the puzzle. Pray often. Sing to God, give Him praise. Don't always pray to complain and request, but to offer gratitude and adoration. God is good, all the time. Don't be so focused on yourself that you can't see and appreciate is unconditional love and unending grace and mercy.

Life isn't easy. But an elderly man at my church told me that each stage of life has been better than the one before. There will be hard times. There will be sadness. But there will also be so much joy and happiness. Focus on that. Live for that. Set goals. Make mistakes. Cry. Laugh. Dream. This is your opportunity, your new year, your life.