Saturday, October 26, 2013

The sickest people are the happiest people

Recently at church, we discussed how your physical health affects your spiritual well being. I sat quietly, unable to say much about being healthy, or even knowing what it feels like. While others spoke about how they think your physical health affects your spiritual health, I took in all they were saying and began questioning everything I have ever told myself. Some things said were:

When you're healthy, your mind is less worried and more able to focus on spiritual matters.
When you feel better physically, that shows in all areas of your life.
When you're healthy, you have an easier time being thankful and happy. 

As I heard each one, I cringed for a second, shaking my head, wondering if people ever think of those of us who aren't so healthy in the room. But then I reminded myself that often times I don't think of those who are healthy in the room. I then decided to try to not be so sensitive to what was being said, but instead, use these statements as a time to question my own faith. 

When you're healthy, your mind is less worried and more able to focus on spiritual matters. 
This is probably true. How many hours, dollars, tears, and sleepless nights have been spent on my medical conditions. How many hospitals have my parents driven (or flown) me to? How many times have I cried out in anger or despair to God for what I'm struggling with? How many prayers have been sent up on my behalf? You know what, a lot of worry DOES go into my conditions, but so does A LOT of prayer. 

Just last night, I became very ill - mom almost took me to the ER. Within minutes of posting a prayer request on FaceBook, we had countless people sending up prayers on my behalf. Every time I am sick, have a bad day, hurt something else, discover a new ache or pain, or am sad because I'm sick, I pray to God. I seek His comfort. I seek His will. So maybe I do worry, but these conditions strengthen my faith, they teach me to wait on God, they make me trust in Him, and they make me want to be an over comer. I believe I am probably one of the most prayed for sick people, thanks to my amazing Christian family.  

When you feel better physically, that shows in all areas of your life. 
Again, true. People who feel good about themselves shine with confidence. They look good, they feel good, and they want to share that with others. Because of their healthy confidence, they may develop a stronger confidence in their faith as well. I don't feel good physically. No matter what I do, I can't seem to help that a great deal, but I try to remember the other positive characteristics that I possess. No I can't run a mile, or even walk a mile. I can't play sports. I can barely even stand without hurting myself, but I can share my smile, my love, and my joy. I believe that when you have Christ, your inner peace and joy can shine through any struggle in life. 

When you're healthy, you have an easier time being thankful and happy. 
Possibly. But I know a lot of healthy people who aren't happy. I know a lot of healthy people who constantly complain and take life for granted. I know a lot of healthy people who can't appreciate the little things in life. I may not have perfect health, but I certainly have a lot to be thankful for. 

I may not have what others would consider and easy or happy life, but I almost always have a smile on my face. I think the more that I deal with these medical conditions, the easier I am to make happy. I understand why I can't take things for granted. Once minute I may be laughing with friends and the next I could be on the floor in a hysterical state due to my many medical problems. So when times are good, when I don't have pain, when I can smile and laugh, those are the times I love. Those are the times I cherish. Those are the moments for which I am incredibly thankful. 

I may not always be thankful for everything, but I am probably more thankful for the little things than most people are. I may not always be happy, but I always have Jesus and I always have joy. I've always considered myself to be a happy person and I don't think any person, any problem, or any condition could take that away from me. 

So maybe you healthy people have a few things on me. Maybe you can outrun me or outdo me in any physical activity, but I bet I can smile longer. So for me, I believe the sickest people can be the happiest people. Because I am happy, I am sick, and I have never known any different.