Sunday, June 16, 2013


"Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!"         
-Hebrews 13:2

I've always wondered if Angels live among us. As guardians, as protectors, as a smile, as a hug, or maybe as an invisible force. I don't know if this is quite what God meant by this verse, but today I believe that I met an angel.

Mom and I decided to go down to Inner Harbor today and do some sight seeing. By the time we got there, we were famished and decided to find a place to eat right away. I was excited when we saw The Cheesecake Factory since I have heard rave reviews of it, but have never been. The food was absolutely delicious. 

Towards the end of our meal, an elderly woman was seated next to us. She came in alone carrying an umbrella and book and wearing a typical elderly woman outfit including pale yellow polyester pants, a floral print top, and knee highs with sandals. 

I always feel sad when I see an older person eating alone. I thought of this when I saw her, but didn't think much else. A moment later, mom leans forward and whispers, "Do you feel compelled to talk to that woman?" I immediately felt shy, but told mom to go ahead if she wanted to.

After a few minutes, mom leaned toward the woman and said, "Are you from here?" The woman then began to speak with a soft voice that expressed years of joy and life. In the course of the conversation, I found out that this woman was a twin and the youngest of nine children. Now at 77, only her, her twin, and one other sister are still alive. She also told us of her various health problems and surgeries, one of which was an open heart surgery. Finally, I learned her name - Rosalee.

Mom told her that we were there to visit Johns Hopkins for medical treatment. I told her I have a heart condition, but didn't say much else. (Mostly because explaining anything else is too difficult.) I asked Rosalee about her surgery and she said it was a triple by pass. She told me of the steel rods she had placed in her both chest and leg and invited me to feel them both. Surprised that a stranger was asking me to feel her chest, I reached up and placed a finger near her collar bone and felt the rod. 

Rosalee said many times she has asked God why he was allowing her to stay here, but each time he showed her a reason. Like taking care of her family and visiting the sick. She said she will stay here as long He needs her to and then when He has no reason for her to be here, she wants to be with Him. 

I told Rosalee that I will have open heart surgery someday. She sweetly listening and smiled and then assured me God would bring me through because He has for her so many times. She then said she would pray for me. At this point, I am holding back tears and glance over at mom, who has let a few flow down her cheeks.

The check then came and it was time to go. Before I left Rosalee, I asked if I could give her a hug. She said of course. As I leaned over and embraced my 77 year old angel, it didn't feel strange or weird. It felt familiar, like hugging my Mamaw, or maybe as if God was hugging me by using Rosalee.

She then smiled at me and said, "It was worth coming here today, just to meet you." 

I'll never know why Rosalee came to a tourist location on a Father's Day during the lunch rush to eat alone. I'll never know why mom had the urge to talk to her. I'll never know if Rosalee is actually an angel who arrives when someone needs a kind word, a smile, or hug to make them feel a little better. But regardless of all of this, Rosalee was my angel today. She provided some peace and love when I am surrounded by chaos. 

When mom first spoke to Rosalee, I thought we were being kind to her, that we might be something she needed, but really I think she was sent by God to be the something that we needed. 

Listen to your gut. Smile. Be friendly. You never know how you can help another person or be helped by them. Maybe you can be somebody's angel. Or maybe your angel is sitting and waiting for you.

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